How can your business build a digital marketing campaign that focuses on results?

Wasting your budget on a scattergun approach may bring some extra traffic. But if those visitors don’t want what you’re selling they’ll soon leave.

This article gives 5 simple steps to consider when creating your digital marketing strategy.

We ask what is digital marketing? How do you select your target market? What marketing channels should you choose and how do you manage them?

Read on to see how the right digital marketing campaign can grow your audience and boost your business.

What Is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

Digital marketing is a catch-all term used to describe how businesses use technology to promote themselves.

campaign is a marketing effort that drives engagement, traffic, and conversions. It has clear objectives and should have a start and endpoint within a set budget.

The key to creating a good return on investment (ROI) is planning before execution.

Unfortunately, many companies don’t do the necessary research. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider when asking how to build a digital marketing campaign.

1. Define KPIs and Target Market

Key Performance Indicators or KPIs measure how core business objectives are being met.

For digital marketing campaigns, KPIs could include:

  • Cost per lead acquisition
  • Conversions per site visits
  • Traffic count from organic search

The target market is the group of customers that the campaign aims to reach.

Demographics like age, marital status, gender, etc. narrow the target audience. Matching them with your products or services is a vital step in producing the best ROI.

Target the wrong customer base and the campaign is dead before it begins.

2. Set a Realistic Budget

Estimate your marketing budget before your campaign goes live puts a ceiling cap on spending. So how do you do this?

In our advertising costs blog article we examine average advertising costs for Google and Facebook.

The advice boils down to researching your competition and platform rates. From there you can calculate an average daily spend and multiply that to a monthly or yearly figure.

3. Choose Matching Marketing Channels

Should you choose Google Ads, SEO, social media advertising, or emails as your marketing channel?

The answer lies in your brand type and what you want to achieve.

For example, if you want to reach a younger demographic through social media choose Instagram. Facebook now attracts an older audience with 60% of baby boomers having accounts.

Targeting the right channel will boost your campaign.

4. Research Keywords

All SEO digital marketing campaigns should build on the search phrases or keywords their visitors use to find them.

Discovering the highest keyword volume will determine how ads are formed. Basing a campaign on phrases that are seldom used will result in failure.

Use services like Google’s Keyword Tool to see what your audience searches for. Then shape your marketing on those results.

5. Setup and Manage Marketing Platforms

You have your campaign mapped out but how do you implement it?

Setting up a Google Ads account or email list requires a lot of effort. You also need to learn marketing concepts for each platform. Facebook works differently than YouTube, for example.

Once your campaign is live you must manage it correctly.

That involves analyzing data like traffic and conversions. And tweaking daily budgets and keywords based on changes in competition.

The results are worth it but many businesses don’t have the time or skill to manage their campaigns effectively.

Your Digital Marketing Strategy Needs to Think Big and Bold

Building a results-focused digital marketing campaign takes careful planning.

You need to set the right key performance indicators and choose the correct market. Matching marketing channels and keyword research takes time and expertise. And setting-up and managing each platform is not to be taken lightly.

Big Bold Thinkers offers digital marketing services with targeted results at the core.

Our expert digital team can help create and manage your digital marketing ideas. With a solid foundation in SEO and social media, we can bring traffic to your digital doorstep. Then help convert those visitors into paying customers.

Contact us today to see how a big bold strategy can assist your business.