How to Combine Facebook Ads With Google Ads

Marketers in the United States are on track to spend over $200 billion on digital ads this year. Most of that budget is spent on Facebook and Google ads, though the market is expanding rapidly.

If you’re running ads online, what’s the best way to get the most “bang” for your bucks? For many, a combined ad strategy is paying off.

Discover how to combine Facebook ads and Google ads in one of the savviest, most cost-effective tactics to date. Then, learn how to leverage your momentum into a successful, omnichannel marketing strategy.

How to Combine Facebook Ads With Google Ads: Overview

Combining paid social ads on Facebook with a paid search ad strategy on Google is a surefire way to win.

Each ad tactic reinforces the other, creating an environment of mutual positive reinforcement. Get your strategy started in seven steps.

1. Set Up Google Ads Display in Facebook Attribution

First, set up Google Ads Display in Facebook attribution. To do this, follow Meta’s published guide. Facebook attribution is the better choice if you want to provoke searches of your brand.

2. Establish Meta (Facebook) Pixel On Your Landing Pages

The Meta Pixel is an incredibly useful analytics tool. You can leverage it to better understand users’ actions on your landing page—even if they get there via Google.

To set up the Meta pixel, follow these instructions. Before you do, make you have the ability to update your landing pages’ code.

3. Start With Google Ads Data

Google Ads data gives you the power to understand users. In your Google Ads, set up tracking parameters at the end of clickthrough URLs manually. This gives you UTM codes.

Pull these UTM codes into your Meta (Facebook) pixel. Then, use this data through the pixel to create custom audiences. These are audiences who are well-qualified to re-target on Facebook.

You can even take this a step further. Build a Facebook Ads dashboard in Google Data Studio.

4. Personalize Like a Pro

Use analytics data from both Google and Facebook to develop high-precision audience profiles. Tailor the messaging of your ads to target those audiences with a high degree of accuracy.

One messaging strategy is to use the key terms users were just searching for on Google to re-target them. Integrate these exact terms into new ad headlines.

Make sure each new, personalized ad leads to an equally personal landing page! Without it, all your new leads will just bounce.

5. Retarget Qualified Google Ads Leads on Facebook

Lookalikes retargeting and onsite retargeting methods empower you to market to Google-qualified leads on Facebook.

It’s easy to create a lookalike audience on Facebook. Use what your Google users were searching for as the basis of this audience.

Onsite retargeting uses the behavior of leads on your landing pages to develop targeted ads. The Meta pixel is critical to analyzing on-page behavior.

6. Remarket to Interested Facebook Users With Paid Search

Target the headlines of your Facebook ads as keywords on Google. Leverage paid search to deliver users answers to questions piqued by your ad.

If your ads in Facebook Ads Manager have UTM codes, bring those codes directly into Google Ads.

7. Cultivate Omnichannel Marketing Strategy

Facebook and Google are behemoth sites. But mastering them is just the beginning. Use this momentum to build an omnichannel marketing strategy.

Smarter Digital Marketing: BBT

Ready to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level? Big Bold Thinkers get results.

Maximize your brand’s online potential with sophisticated, personalized marketing tactics. Discover strategies that optimize Facebook ads, Google Ads, and branded content on all platforms. Discover BBT.

What can our experts do for your brand?

Top 5 Upgrades to Google Ads Features Google Ads

Google is always staying on the cutting edge of search engine technology to help maximize audience reach to consumers so that they can acquire and hold onto their customer base.

The company recently added or upgraded several smart features to their design that are sure to help you expand your internet sales and give you an advantage in sales. Here are the top 5 updates to Google Ads features and how you can make them work for you.

Gallery Ads

Gallery ads are interactive and are found at the top of the Search Engine Results Page. Under the standard text link, a gallery ad provides images that can be swiped.

The visual and creative appeal of gallery ads are undeniable. Early results found a 25% increase in engagement based on clicks and swipes.

Free Listing on Google Shopping

Google Ads features now allows merchants to display products for free. This is also being expanded to the main Google search page. Whereas it used to be that only sponsored items appeared on these pages, now all items have the possibility of appearing based on search relevancy.

In order to take full advantage of this feature, you need to make sure that your product is found on Surfaces of Google. Make sure that you have a website with a structured data markup so that Google can analyze and appropriately place you on the page.

New Customer Aquisition

This new feature will allow you to will help you increase the number of new customers you acquire. It does this by optimizing the conversion value of new purchasers allowing you to focus on those consumers in a way that will build loyalty.

Make sure to connect Google Analytics and Google Ads so you can take full advantage of this feature. Once you can identify your conversions you can then identify your your business goals.

Offline Conversions

Although the world may feel like it runs solely online, there are still a great deal of consumer purchases that happen offline and in person. Often, those purchases go unaccounted for in terms of data collection.

In fact, 30% of mobile queries are local searches and 75% of users making a local search will go to a store within 24 hours. That is information you need to have and Google has now made it accessible. You can now get information about where consumers are going to shop following their searches.

YouTube Advertising

When surveyed, consumers prefer video information to text information. Google is not offering the opportunity to place video ads on YouTube – and it is free until they show interest.

Google’s algorithms allow them to only show ads when it is an appropriate time and the user appears ready to make a purchase. This is an ideal opportunity for you to test out the market, as well as the effectiveness of your video, without making a huge financial investment.

Contact us so that we can help you take advantage of all that Google Ads features have to offer.

Essential Advertising Costs To Know Before You Start Marketing Your Business

You may have a small business with a limited budget or a larger business that has earmarked a little more for your online advertising strategy. This quick guide provides insight into the average advertising cost on Google and Facebook, the two major avenues to reach your clients online.

Average Advertising Costs on Google Ads

As you are probably aware, Google is the most used search engine in the world. Therefore, it makes sense that Google Ads is the largest digital ad platform. Let’s take a look at what it costs to get your business in front of Google users.

Most industries have low costs when it comes to pay per click display ads. However, there are exceptions. For example, employment services pay an average of $1.66 per click. Compare that to real estate professionals who pay $0.88 per click.

Google Ads charges between $1.00 and $2.00 for each click. For small businesses, Google Ads cost about $9,000 per month (or $90,000) on the low end of the spectrum.

However, there’s no requirement to start that big. You can create a successful ad campaign on a low budget, but it helps if you know what you’re doing. Some SMBs turn to experienced digital marketers such as Big Bold Thinkers to maximize the impact of each marketing dollar.

Advertising on Google Display Network costs less than ads for Google’s search engine. Advertisers pay an average of $0.58 per click on GDN. However, costs vary by industry, so research what Google charges in your sector to determine if this is a good alternative for your business.

Average Advertising Costs on Facebook

People love Facebook, the most widely used social network. So, it’s also a great place to advertise your business. With the right strategy, Facebook advertising is an affordable way to reach your target audience. In fact, small businesses often focus on Facebook ads in their online advertising strategy.

You can expect to pay an average advertising cost of $1.72 per click to drive traffic to your website. Alternatively, businesses pay an average of $7.19 per 1,000 impressions or CPM. These costs vary by industry, location and other factors. As a rule of thumb, plan to spend about $0.75 per click or impression.

Facebook ads help your organization increase brand recognition, website conversions, and application downloads. However, it only works if future fans actually see your ads. Big Bold Thinkers can help you estimate the costs in your target areas so you can spend your ad budget effectively.

Facebook advertising also gives you access to Instagram and Messenger. Facebooks’ CPC is still relatively low across most industries. The most expensive industries include finance, home improvement and customer services.

Help for Your Online Advertising Strategy

If you need help with your online advertising strategy, Big Bold Thinkers can help. Our digital marketing services include budget, planning and executing an online campaign for your brand. Contact us today for more information and to discuss how we can propel your company forward with the power of effective online advertising that fits your budget.