How to Improve Your User Experience for Digital Marketing Success

Can you believe that the global user experience industry was valued at a whopping $465 million last year?

As more businesses realize the importance of UX, this industry is only going to grow and grow. If you’re wondering how you can take your brand to the next level, look no further than UX optimization. This is a game changer that will boost your lead generation.

Are you unsure of what you should do? Keep reading to learn all about how to improve your user experience for digital marketing success.

What is User Experience?

Before discussing anything else, it’s crucial to define the user experience. That way, there’s no confusion about how to accomplish your goals. Put in the simplest terms possible, user experience refers to how a potential customer engages with your content.

This could take the form of a website or an app. If you’re serious about digital marketing success, then the customer’s perspective should be high on your list of priorities.

Website UI UX design

An official business website is like a headquarters for your digital marketing. This is where you can send potential customers to learn about your products and services in detail after they’ve clicked on an ad, for instance.

For starters, it shouldn’t take long for the website to load. As attention spans continue to shrink, it’s possible that even a few extra seconds of waiting for a site to load could cause many marketing conversions to give up. By considering the perspective of your website visitors, you can see that optimizing the site is a crucial step.

This can involve using some cookies so the site loads faster next time, compressing images so they don’t take up a majority of your storage, and more.

The Ease of Shopping and Buying

Loading a web page is one thing, but there’s also the matter of navigating a website or app. If you want more digital marketing tips, then it’s a good idea to ensure that everything is planned with customer intuition.

When it comes to a website, it’s expected to have certain tabs, such as Home, About, Blog, and Products & Services.

An app has more wiggle room but the user experience is still a foundational consideration. One way you can improve it is by having a beta in which customers try it out ahead of time.

That way, they can learn about your products and buy them with ease.

Are You Ready to Improve Your User Experience?

Now that you’ve learned all about how to improve your user experience for digital marketing success, you can ensure that you generate real leads. With enough effort, those leads will turn into life-long customers.

From digital marketing to general marketing, we can boost the exposure of your brand and spend time increasing conversions. That way, you’ll see more sales, a bigger turnout at events, and other benefits.

Feel free to reach out to us with questions regarding our high-quality services. We look forward to working with you.

How to Improve Customer Experience With a Buyer Journey Map

Before a customer decides to buy from a business, there’s a path they follow. First comes brand awareness, then moving on to interacting and researching the brand, and then, if there’s enough trust, comes the purchase.

This is why creating a customer journey map is essential for putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. It enables you to see what they see when they come across your business.

Are there obstacles on the way to purchase? How is their experience along the way? Do they feel taken care of and understood? These are all important aspects of the buyer journey that can give you insights and steps to improve customer service.

Read on to learn all about buyer journey mapping and how to improve your customer experience to bring in more sales.

What Is a Customer Journey Map?

A customer journey map is a visual representation of every step of the customer experience with your business. It involves everything from coming across your business for the first time up until the point they decide whether they want to buy or not.

This map will help you see things from the customer’s point of view and discover any possible obstacles in the way. You can also see if there are some problematic areas in the business and learn what the customer needs at each step of the journey.

How To Create a Buyer Journey Map

To create a customer journey map, first, you need to outline your ideal target customer. Include everything from their demographics, buying habits, and lifestyle to the way they make decisions on the products they buy.

The next step is creating the buying process for your business. It should have a starting point, a few stages or touchpoints, and an end destination.

Each stage has its own activities, obstacles, and customer behaviors driving its actions. This is where you can offer solutions to speed up the process to the endpoint.

How To Use Buyer Journey Mapping in Your Business

Now that you know how to create a buyer journey map, the next step is optimizing customer journey for success.

To Improve Customer Experience

Listening to what customers say and what they do throughout their buyer journey is key to improving your customer service. You can write down the resources you have to offer a great customer experience and see what else you can do to make the journey smooth.

To Boost Sales

Another way to use customer mapping is to boost sales. You do this by making the road to purchase easier and more pleasurable for your customers. First, you remove any obstacles or pain points they may have, and then you offer fast solutions. This is the best way to get customers to move further instead of having them stay in the same stage for a long time.

Improve Customer Experience and Boost Sales With These Buyer Journey Mapping Tips

Whether you’re new in business trying to attract customers or want to improve your customer experience, making a buyer journey map is the first step in the right direction.

Ready to create your custom buyer journey map for your business? Contact us today to learn how we can help and take your business to the next level with the right customer experience strategy.

3 Rebranding Strategies and Best Practices for Professional Services

You’ve probably heard the news by now. Facebook recently went through a massive rebranding, changing the company name to Meta and introducing a new logo. CEO Mark Zuckerberg introduced Meta as a way to bring the metaverse to life and help people and companies connect.

The rebranding involved a name change as well as a new logo and direction. And Meta isn’t alone. Many companies have switched their names and logos over the years, such as Dunkin’ Donuts becoming simply Dunkin’.

However, not all rebranding strategies result in success. If you’re planning on a company rebrand soon, make sure to follow these strategies for the best chance of success and to make the transition as smooth as possible!

1. Focus on the Reason Behind the Rebrand

The first step in your rebranding strategy is to outline the reason behind the change. Why are you doing this, and what are you hoping to accomplish? Are you rebranding the company mission and values, renaming the company, or coming up with a new slogan?

Rebranding isn’t easy, and not everyone will love the new direction. That’s why you must ensure it’s the right move for your company.

Here are some common reasons that companies rebrand:

  • Changing or updating the company image
  • Updating your company, products, brand, or services
  • Repairing a bad reputation
  • There’s a legal reason
  • You’re launching a new service
  • You’re a spin-off from another brand
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • International growth

All rebranding strategies start with a reason. This reason should be the foundation of your new marketing efforts.

2. Change Your Logo

This is tricky because your logo is the visual representation of your brand. When people think of big brands like McDonald’s or Starbucks, they envision the company logo.

It takes between 5-7 impressions before someone remembers a brand. You don’t want to waste the hard work you’ve put into brand recognition.

If you change your logo too much, there’s a chance people won’t recognize the change, and they won’t realize it’s your business. However, updating the colors, font, or other aspects might be just enough to refresh your brand without losing customers.

You need a professional to design your new logo if you want it to look good.

The right marketing strategy is key to launching a successful rebrand. You want to keep your customers in the loop, and you can do that on your website, through email, and through social media.

3. Shift Brand Positioning

Changing a logo isn’t enough to change your entire brand. Another important part of the branding process is to view your company’s mission and values and evaluate if they’re still right for your vision.

You’re communicating a message, and you want your values and mission to reflect your message.

What do you hope to accomplish, how do you plan on doing it, what steps are you taking, and what’s important to you?

Where does your brand—your products and services—fit into the market? For example, you might be a low-cost provider of a key service.

Rebranding Strategies That Work

These rebranding strategies will help make the process easier and the transition much smoother.

Business rebranding is tricky to pull off right, and you don’t want to make any mistakes. To protect your business, you need to rely on professionals to pull off a successful rebrand.

If you’re in need of a branding agency in Dubai, look no further. Learn more about our marketing services and get in touch to get started on your company rebrand today.

Augmented and Virtual Reality 2022: Changing the Way We Market

The world looked on, perplexed and disturbed, as the strange video whizzed past all other content on our social media feeds, taking front and center.

Online responses were a mixed bag of amusement and discomfort. The announcement seemed to come out of nowhere and be everywhere all at the same time. You know the one – Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy video presentation of Facebook’s name change to Meta.

In case you missed it, Zuckerberg came out with a doozy, explaining not only Facebook’s rebrand but also its new vision: a self-proclaimed pioneer in the Metaverse.

Amidst the uproar of reaction articles, tweets, TikTok videos, and hilarious Icelandic parodies, the business world is divided on what to make of it.

Maybe because it is an uncharted territory or just too reminiscent of The Matrix, business owners are missing a golden opportunity. The Metaverse market is projected to grow by over 75 billion dollars in the next four years alone.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are taking the world by storm. They will change the way marketing, advertising, and PR are done forever.

If your business hasn’t gotten on board yet, it’s time. Here’s how to not get left behind.

The Web 2 Win

“Pic or it didn’t happen.”

The phrase is still an apt description of our culture. Web 2, or the social media paradigm, has captured and maintained the most coveted prize in the marketing world: the people’s attention.

If something doesn’t live somewhere on the internet, we doubt its truthfulness.

Most of us live on our phones, scrolling for nearly a third of our waking hours—which translates a third of our entire waking lives. And the marketing community knows it.

Television only had the power to advertise to us when we were at home. The advent of social media brought an endless stream of algorithmically tailored, digital billboards to our workplaces, schools, bars, and even (especially?) our bathrooms.

All through our smartphones.

But digital marketing realities are changing again, and this time, we aren’t just going to look at the internet; we are going to live on the internet.

Virtual Reality IS Reality

Some hesitancy in the world of marketing’s approach to virtual reality and augmented reality is a failure to understand what made Web 2 work. Social media isn’t “the real world,” sure, but if it is a fantasy, we sure do spend a lot of time immersed in a fantasy. Fantasy has become an integral part of our lives.

Web 3 is a catch-all term for the next phase of online digital media. It focuses on plunging us deeper into the digital world (VR) and bringing the digital world into the non-digital world (AR).

Either way, a time is coming when we won’t have to stare at our phone screens to see uniquely tailored ads or digital marketing.

The virtual and non-virtual worlds will be so intertwined that life, love, and commerce in one domain will demand engagement with the other. 

For example, ”going to work” will be more than a binary choice between pandemic era options of working remotely or commuting to the office. With VR, people will be able to go to work at a digital office as the avatar version of themselves without their physical bodies ever leaving the couch. They will attend virtual meetings and interact with their fellow employees’ avatars.

The same will be true of bars (online avatar mingling spaces), comedy clubs, concerts, dates, and more. People will enjoy real human experiences in a virtual world.

With advances in wearable technology, the digital world is also jumping into ours with increasing regularity.

Life in the Metaverse

You can see a journalist’s preview of an admittedly premature virtual landscape in her Metaverse experience video.

While spending 24 hours with a virtual reality headset on is not recommended for anyone’s general wellbeing, the journalist was able to show the world what life and work in the Metaverse look and feels like right now.

She went to a digital office and had meetings with her fellow employees via their avatars. She socialized with strangers all over the world. She even watched a live comedy show with friends.

All of this to say, if we haven’t accepted this inevitable collision course of the digital and non-digital realities, we are living in a fantasy.

A Blended Reality

Through the power of VR, people are playing the most challenging games of ping pong ever without an actual paddle in hand, a table in front of them, or even a human opponent.

They’re sweating afterwards.

They play against computer programs in technology like the Oculus Quest 2, and the experiences feel real.

The haptics in the controllers creates the illusion that players are making actual contact with the ball. The way the little orb buoys in the air and flails into the net at breakneck speed when they slam it feels the same as real-life games.

The feelings—anger at losing, satisfaction at winning, and dismay when the fun is over—all feel real.

This is just one example of how VR constructs an engaging, immersive experience, enlisting the use of at least 3 of the 5 human senses.

Anyone worth their salt in advertising, marketing, or PR knows that what you make people feel is the most important thing. And the way to incite feelings in people is to engage as many of their senses as possible. To immerse them in an experience.

VR and AR aren’t going to take people out of the non-virtual world, they are going to bring a variety of new experiences into the non-virtual world. AR and VR are an opportunity to engage people’s senses like never before.

The New Era of Marketing

Businesses are now able to manufacture marketing experiences that incite stronger feelings than ever possible in the 2-dimensional space of smartphones and computer screens.

If businesses want to succeed in the new era, they have to meet people where they are. In the virtual world, the non-virtual world, and the places those worlds overlap.

One great way to do this is to learn how to craft marketing, digital marketing, and experiential marketing from the best in the business with an event or activation.

You may want to learn the principles of marketing in this brave new world. You might want to immerse your teams in an engaging, multi-sensory, handcrafted experience that will elevate them to the next level in business. Whatever you are looking for, Big Bold Thinkers has the expertise and courage to help you develop marketing, advertising, and PR that will work in all iterations of the Web.

Big Bold Thinkers knows how to blend the cutting edge with the tried and true. They offer marketing consulting and support, immersive marketing events, and innovative digital marketing to help you grow your business and learn the principles that will guide your team into a bright future.

Big Bold Thinkers are future-focused and always paying attention to the advancement of technology that will change the way people engage with businesses and make decisions about products or services.

AR and VR are just two of many exciting new ways that people will be experiencing Web 3.

Big Bold Thinkers wants to help your business get there first. So that, by the time the masses arrive, you are already there in the Metaverse, ready to welcome them and show them what they’ve been missing.

Brave New (Virtual) World

I’m sure you still have a million questions about how this new world is going to work. What are the best practices? How can we learn more?

Well, for starters, your business is going to need a tool belt full of strategies for marketing and advertising in the world as it is now and for the world just over the horizon.

Don’t wait and try to play catch-up when virtual reality and augmented reality have completely changed the world. Get the knowledge you need for marketing the right way in the current paradigm, for marketing in the future paradigm, and for navigating the transition between the two.

Getting Started

You can start here to learn more and get the latest developments in the industry. If you are ready to take your business marketing, advertising, and PR to the next level with innovative marketing realities, Big Bold Thinkers can help with that too.

The world of tomorrow is already here. Don’t let fear or uncertainty keep your business from evolving and thriving in the next stage of online engagement.

Contact Big Bold Thinkers today, and watch your business reach greater heights than you ever thought possible… in every reality.

How the Metaverse Will Alter Digital Marketing Campaigns

Oculus VR headsets have been around for about a decade. They’ve been used in tourism conferences, for example, to give attendees a three-dimensional taste of a city or country. But augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) tech have been steadily developing over the years. Within the next decade or so, we’ll be immersing ourselves in an entirely digital and interactive realm, the metaverse. How could this new sphere affect the future of digital marketing campaigns and the work that you do?

What’s Currently Happening With Virtual Reality and Digital Marketing?

Gaming brands and companies such as Fortnite and Roblox are natural early movers in this space. They enable users, most of whom are members of Gen Z, to create virtual assets and socialize via avatars.

Decentraland is another virtual platform owned by users who transact with the blockchain currency, Ethereum. Users build and monetize appealing virtual entities and destinations, and it’s a burgeoning social commerce society with hundreds of thousands of registered users.

Brands like Chipotle, Verizon, Nike, Lil Nas X, and Vans are partnering with Fortnite and Roblox and getting in on the VR action. High-end luxury brands like Gucci are already experimenting with branded experiences, virtual sponsorships, products, and dressing rooms. These moves expand brand recognition among the younger demographics Facebook’s Meta is obsessed with.

And yes, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are in the mix, and influencers too.

What Might the Future Look Like?

Sure, there’ll be fun and recreation. But metaverse simulations are set to change everything from education and HR to manufacturing processes. Of course, retail will transform too.

Augmented reality can be a gamechanger for in-store experiences, providing as much info as a consumer needs to decide and purchase. Virtual pop-ups will be par for the course. And out-of-home advertising will include billboards in metaverse locations suggested by digital marketing analytics. This is a planet where event marketing at a live Quidditch match, for example, is possible. You’ll still probably have to focus on SEO, with users using voice search to find what they need.

Imagine the potential and scope for B2B and B2C digital marketing and every stage in the customer journey. Only an inability to tell a compelling story can limit you.

The Bottom Line

Marketing teams are starting to make sense of this growing futuristic universe, and a once-nebulous concept is becoming less abstract. Big brands with marketing dollars to spare are already throwing money towards initial forays. And it’s only a matter of time before smaller companies figure out what the metaverse can do for their growth and longevity.

Contact Big Bold Thinkers in Dubai

A positive attitude, deep research, and forward thinking are at the heart of everything we do. Our integrated marketing agency partners with brands to create meaningful digital and real-world experiences. Subscribe to our blog or get in touch for more information about our wide array of services.

Upcoming eCommerce Trends That Will Impact 2022

Imagine spending all of your time preparing your eCommerce store only to get zero sales when you launch. Before you quit your store, consider what eCommerce trends you’re using and if they apply to the current year.

If they don’t, you may want to change something to help get your store out there. Then, you can increase your sales and make your online business a success.

Read on to learn more.

Faster Delivery

One of the biggest existing eCommerce trends that will continue into 2022 is fast delivery times. Customers don’t want to wait days or weeks to receive something they order online.

Companies such as Amazon already offer delivery in one or two days as well as same-day delivery on some items. All eCommerce businesses should focus on improving shipping times.

Of course, this can be difficult when relying on third-party couriers. However, companies should look into ways to ship more quickly, especially to local buyers.

Some businesses may choose to use DoorDash and similar services for local deliveries. Then, customers won’t have to wait for the mail to receive their orders.

Direct to Consumer

A massive advantage of selling and shopping online is the ability for companies and consumers to connect. Businesses can sell straight to the end-user instead of to a wholesaler or some other middleman.

That way, the business can charge customers less to help buyers save money. Companies may also have more control over sales and inventory, so they can keep from running out or having to restock a wholesaler.

The growth of eCommerce has allowed more businesses to sell to more people. You don’t have to make a deal with a big-box retailer to get your product in front of more people, so you and your buyers have more power.

More Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has been gaining popularity for a while, and it will have an effect on eCommerce trends for 2022. Some governments have created official cryptocurrencies for their countries.

As this growth increases, more and more businesses will start to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method. Platforms such as PayPal already allow users to buy and sell cryptocurrency.

So if your business accepts other digital payments, it’s easy enough to accept cryptocurrencies. However, you should make sure adding new payments won’t lead to a security incident or breach that could compromise your private information.

Prioritizing Sustainability

Consumer behaviour can be an excellent marker of eCommerce trends. Many people are starting to care more about buying from companies with sustainable business practices.

Buying from sustainable businesses is particularly important for younger consumers. If you want to compete, you should focus on making your business more sustainable, such as switching away from plastic packaging.

Companies may also want to be more transparent about the origin of the materials they use. That way, the business can build trust with its customers, which can help get more sales from buyers who want to help the planet.

No matter how you focus on sustainability, make it part of your business. You may be able to set yourself apart from the competition, so you don’t have to compete with lower prices or similar tactics.

Reusing and Reselling

A more specific eCommerce trend that can help with sustainability is an increase in reselling vintage and second-hand items. Platforms such as Poshmark and Mercari allow people to sell their old clothes.

However, some people have taken to selling on those websites as a full business. Sellers may be able to see an increase in sales as more people want to buy second-hand.

Any business can also figure out ways to use or sell old inventory. Instead of burning old items, like some luxury brands do, consider how you can make use of the items, or sell them on second-hand marketplaces.

Better Chatbots

Another one of the big eCommerce trends for 2022 is the use of good chatbots. A chatbot can work at any time, and it can help shoppers find products that they want.

Chatbots will become more common, especially as artificial intelligence (AI) improves. You can use chatbots to answer simple questions and perhaps even make a few extra sales.

The bot can track consumer behaviour to provide more personal answers. Then, customers won’t have to aimlessly browse your website and risk not finding what they want to purchase.

Growth of Video

Video content has been gaining traction for years, starting with YouTube and now with the growth of TikTok. eCommerce brands can use video to promote their stores and individual products.

The videos you make can be entertaining or informational, and they can showcase your products. You might make a video sharing the benefits of a specific product, while another video covers how to use it.

Filming a video is particularly helpful if your product requires a bit of demonstration to understand. But videos can also help market simpler products, especially when you’re looking to get new customers.

On platforms like YouTube, you can link to the product in your video description to help customers find it. Then, you’ll be able to get more sales, and your customers can have a better idea of if a product is right for them.

Focus on Customer Loyalty

The growth of eCommerce has made it easy for people to make money online. However, that same growth has also brought in quite a bit of competition from other sellers.

If you want to maintain your customer base, you may want to offer a loyalty or rewards program. You might offer a free item or a discount code after a certain number of orders.

Another option is to offer a subscription program, like Amazon Prime. Customers can pay a monthly fee for access to fast shipping, free shipping, or other benefits.

You may also choose to send an email newsletter with exclusive discounts, such as for new product launches. Then, you can get sales from your loyal fans, and you won’t have to find as many new customers to stay profitable.

Mobile Shopping

About 56% of all web traffic was on a mobile device in 2021, more than any other year. Odds are, that growth will continue in 2022, so you must make sure your website is mobile-friendly.

The easier you can make shopping online on any device, the better chance you’ll have of making sales. When working on your website, most platforms let you preview and edit the mobile version.

You should keep the mobile design clean and simple so that people know where to go. That can help people get to where they need to go, and they won’t have to struggle to buy something.

Social Commerce

Another one of the big eCommerce trends for 2022 is social commerce. This is where people can buy items on a social media platform, like Instagram.

Social commerce allows people to make purchases without leaving their current app. That can take away some opportunities for the buyer to decide not to go through with the order, so you may get more impulse purchases.

You may also use social commerce if you choose to work with influencers. The influencer can add product tags to their posts, so their audience can buy the products of yours that the creator recommends.

Livestream Shopping

If you want to use social commerce, you can pair it with livestreams to help sell your products. Live videos allow you to demonstrate your products, answer questions and connect with your followers.

Getting to interact with your business may help some followers decide to buy what you’re selling. Many Livestream platforms let you include links in a description to make finding and buying the product easier.

Another benefit of a Livestream is that you can usually leave the video up for the public. Instagram lets you turn livestreams into a video to live on your feed, and YouTube livestreams can stay on your channel so that viewers can watch and shop later.

If you want to do livestreams, consider when your audience is the most active. Then, you can choose a time when more people will be able to tune in and watch you.

Shopping With Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) will also play a crucial role in eCommerce in 2022. Using AR allows customers to “try before they buy” without having to go to a physical store where you sell the product.

A customer can get a good idea of how the product will look in their home. Then, you may be able to lower return rates and see an increase in happy customers.

AR can help customers feel better about buying furniture, clothing, tech equipment, and more. The technology may not work for everything, and some people may still want to make a return.

However, buying online has always been a bit of a risk. Offering AR to customers can be a great way to lower their risk when they buy from you.

Which eCommerce Trends Will You Follow?

Each year brings with it a set of new eCommerce trends, and 2022 is no exception. Whether you choose to focus on sustainability or video marketing, you should consider a few trends.

Then, you can compare them and decide which will work the best for your business and customers. Soon enough, you may be able to get more sales and build customer loyalty.

Do you need help promoting your eCommerce business? Learn about our digital marketing services, and contact us to get started.

Security Breach vs. Security Incident: What’s the Difference?

All over the world, there are 2,200 cybersecurity attacks per day. That’s over 15 each minute!

Digital attacks are on the rise and cybercriminals are growing ever bolder. So, it’s important to have a good understanding of different website security threats and elements of data security.

If you’re unsure of the exact difference between a security breach and a security incident, read on to find out.

What is a Security Breach?

A security breach means data or systems have been accessed by outside forces.

This could come in the form of information being stolen, systems being damaged, or unauthorized control being taken of a system. Essentially, it means outside forces have been successful in breaching your security.

If you’ve experienced a security breach, it’s absolutely vital to get expert help as soon as possible.

What is a Security Incident?

A security incident isn’t exactly desirable, but it’s a little less serious than a security breach.

This means that your information and systems have been compromised in some way, perhaps through the presence of malware. Although your information may not have necessarily been accessed, you certainly need to take action to deal with the threat.

Ignoring a security breach can lead to major problems down the road. Even if your information wasn’t compromised on this occasion, it could be only a matter of time until your defences are breached.

Take Care of Your Data Security

Your system security is absolutely integral to the long-term success of your business. Clients and customers won’t give their business to a company that can’t be trusted to keep their information secure.

If you’ve been subject to a security breach or a security incident, it’s absolutely vital to shore up your digital defences.

Our blog contains lots more information and tips on maintaining good cybersecurity.

Growing Website Security Threats

Your company website is another potential weak point in your online defences. A well-known website with plenty of users is likely to attract all kinds of hackers and other malicious types.

In recent years, major businesses have seen huge amounts of data stolen from their websites. In other events, website content has been replaced with harmful or criminal content.

It’s just another reason to invest in top-quality cybersecurity. This is the best way to protect your company data and avoid security breaches or incidents on your website.

Get Top Quality Cybersecurity for Your Business

The number of hackers and other bad actors attempting to break down your security is increasing yearly. Security incidents and breaches can impact your credibility and cost you money.

Big Bold Thinkers can help with all your cybersecurity needs. We use our expertise and years of experience to protect you from website security threats and other digital perils.

Whether you’ve been subject to a security breach or incident, or you’re just planning for the future, contact us today to discuss your data security needs.

Market Positioning Tips for Building a Strong and Unique Brand

Market positioning can seem complicated, but the formula is really quite simple. Use the following tips to ensure your business occupies the minds of your customers.

1. Identify Positive Qualities and Benefits for Customers Using Your Product Or Service

Most businesses provide products or services that have specific qualities that set them apart from the competition. These beneficial qualities can be anything from excellent customer service to amazing materials to cutting-edge technology. Ideally, these qualities fall in areas in which competition does not excel. If, for example, a rival business completely neglects customer service, it could be useful for senior marketing management to distinguish their own business as having excellent customer service.

Once you have identified the qualities that make your good or service special, hone it on it. Focus on developing them and drawing further attention to them, playing them up in advertisements and marketing.

2. Learn Where Your Business Falls on the Price-Quality Scale

As many businesses know, generally speaking, as quality increases, so do prices. Higher production costs and higher-quality materials lead to higher prices. Researching competitors can help businesses understand where they stand on the price-quality scale for the market at hand.

Once you identify where your business falls, lean into it. This can mean playing up the “low price” of your product or talking about how luxurious your product is if it is on the more expensive side.

3. Know Your Audience

Figuring out exactly to whom you are marketing is one of the most important marketing strategies. Once the target consumers have been identified, it is important to use language, imagery and modes of advertisement that will appeal to them.

For example, a business selling lots of high heels may find it useful to target young women. Women who wear high heels likely care about fashion, so portraying other well-dressed young women wearing those heels would make for an effective advertisement.

4. Consider Using Cultural Images, Sentiments Or Figures

Cultural symbols hold a lot of power in society, and marketing personnel can use them to affect consumers even subliminally. Associating cultural phenomenons with your business can help give it a sort of “personality” that makes it easier for consumers to remember your business.

Using anything specific from your business’s region from pop culture as a symbol, logo or mascot can help invoke a positive feeling every time a consumer thinks of your business.

5. Know Your Competition

This was touched on earlier, but business owners should know rival products and services to improve their own products and services and distinguishing their own company. Discovering where your competition is lacking can help you find your business’s niche and create a unique product or service that gives customers exactly what they are looking for.

These simple strategies can take marketing strategy to the next level to be as effective as it can possibly be. Using these strategies can help bring in more loyal customers to enjoy & promote your product or service.

Digital Transformation FAQ: Your Top Questions, Answered

Is digital the final frontier for business? Whatever the case, it’s definitely the latest.

Digital transformation represents the most recent technological arms race of the business world. Yet many businesses still find themselves behind the curve, even wondering what the fuss is about.

Wonder no longer. Here’s our digital transformation FAQ to answer your top questions.

What is Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation isn’t the most elusive of jargon: it’s about transforming your business through digital technologies. The term is self-explanatory. What digital transformation looks like is the complex part.

In many ways, digital transformation has been happening for decades. Yet the term tends to refer to the modern uptake of technologies that have transformed the business world in the current millennium.

One of the most common examples lies in cloud computing. With cloud computing, companies can transform their business by storing and accessing data without the need for large local servers. We can already start to see how this can reshape a business.

Why Does Digital Transformation Matter?

Digital transformation has changed the way we do business. For many companies, it means increasing growth and revenue while leaving behind traditional limiting factors. For instance, a small business can go longer without needing to scale up its premises by leveraging cloud computing.

For all its benefits, there’s one overriding pressure that makes digital transformation matter: competition. As more businesses in an industry enjoy the benefits of digital transformation, those who fail to keep up fall further behind. Even if the digital transformation doesn’t feel like a pressing need for your business, it soon will when your competitors outpace you.

What’s the Best Digital Transformation Strategy?

If there were a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, many business owners would sleep easier at night.

Unfortunately, the most effective digital transformation strategy varies from business to business. There are some basic recurring themes: increased automation, technologies like cloud computing, and so on. Yet if you want an accurate vision of what your transformed business will look like, you’ll probably need an expert consultation.

One of the keys to effective digital transformation is to focus on business needs. Many companies go wrong by buying into technologies that don’t improve their daily operations. By focusing on the business case for tech, you ensure a match between your objectives and the tech.

What are the Benefits of Digital Transformation?

The benefits of digital transformation are as many and varied as the technologies that make up the field. Here are a few common examples:

  • Scalability: Businesses have fewer traditional limiters, like the cost of tech or a lack of office space
  • Collaboration: Real-time project collaboration from any location
  • Efficiency: Automation can increase efficiency by an order of magnitude when applied well
  • Customer Experience: Customers can benefit from digital interactions with the business, like access to apps and chatbots

Digital Transformation FAQ: Your Questions Answered

Digital transformation has become a fact of life for businesses in the current decade. If you’ve been left in the weeds by questions about the topic, then this digital transformation FAQ should have cleared things up for you.

Looking for ways to transform your digital marketing? Check out our digital marketing services today.

AI-Generated Content for Content Creators

If you’ve ever seen The Matrix movies, you are familiar with AI (artificial intelligence). Do you ever get the feeling you are living in a simulation? The fact is that artificial intelligence has quickly become integrated into our lives so well, you have become accustomed to it.

Have you ever come across an article that sort of feels not 100% human? Chances are it was some AI-generated content. What is AI-generated content?

Read our guide below to learn the pros and cons of AI-generated content.

Pros and Cons of AI-Generated Content

When weighing the pros and cons of AI-generated content, it comes down to an individual or company’s morals and choice. If you are a part of a digital marketing team, should you choose AI-generated content or not?

Pro: Makes Work Easier

One of the main pros of AI-generated content is that it makes everyone’s jobs a bit easier. You won’t have to have so many people on staff when you have AI on your side. Profitability will likely increase as a result because you’ll be able to crank out content at a higher clip.

You can shift your focus to higher priorities when bringing AI-generated content into the fold too.

Pro: Human Touch

One of the main benefits of AI-generated content is that it is made by humans. While we may be living in a simulation or matrix, at the end of the day, it’s still humans “writing the ship.”

Whatever you wish to program into the machine, the machine will follow the command. Developers and professionals alike will teach the computer through written algorithms and code. This means that the AI-generated content can easily be tweaked to your liking.

Pro: Cross-Platform Reach

Cross-platform reach is one of the biggest benefits of AI-generated content. You can drastically increase your work output when AI is in the mix. You can operate with a skeleton crew with more independence and freedom than before.

Things like communication will be leaner too. You won’t have to worry about the quality of the content going by the wayside either.

Con: Zero Opinions

When AI-generated content is being produced, you’ll notice the absence of subjectivity. Artificial intelligence will be able to handle things like features of products for example. Where it will miss the mark is when it needs to give an opinion.

The beauty of things being written by humans, is that we can interject our personal experiences and stories, right?

Con: Lacks the Human Element

One of the disadvantages of AI-generated content is that it doesn’t handle depth too well. While it can handle a larger volume of content, you may find yourself scratching your head at what is being written. Nothing can replace the human element.

Con: Inability to Generate New Ideas

The way AI-generated content works is by inputting data to chew on. The inability to generate new and fresh ideas is one of the disadvantages of AI-generated content. AI doesn’t have common sense like humans.

AI Is a Tool Not a Replacement

Remember, it’s best to see AI-generated content as a tool, not a replacement. Whether you are doing personal work or on staff, it’s best to use a blend. If you rely too heavily on one format, people may miss the human touch.

If your company needs some digital marketing work done, please reach out to us! Our purpose is to make you look good.