Voice Search Optimization – SEO Tips To Rank Better

SEO is one of the most important aspects of digital advertising (and therefore advertising) in the 21st century. Are you aware that less than one percent of people make it to the second page of search engine results?

However, SEO isn’t as simple as creating backlinks and figuring out what people are typing into their phones. Updates in voice searching technology mean that more people than ever are not typing, but speaking their searches.

This means voice search optimization is the next frontier for companies who care about digital marketing and SEO.

This article will act as your voice search optimization guide and walk you through some key principles of how people use voice technology, and teach you how to plan your very own voice search strategy.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are keywords of four or more words. When people make use of voice search, they’re mostly using long-tail keywords.

Believe it or not, we actually tend to use more words when we conduct a voice search. When we write our thoughts down, we have time to revise, use our internal editor, and take out/add a word before we hit “search”. We don’t have this time when using voice search.

This means that what comes out is less filtered, and often a bit longer. We recommend doing some research into which long-tail keywords are being used to find your company. They’re probably only going to become more and more popular.

Heck, long-tail keywords already account for about 70 percent of searches.

More Casual Phrases

Not only do people search longer phrases when they use voice search, but they also use more casual phrases. With friendly voices talking back to us like Siri and Alexa, it’s no wonder why people feel like their phones in a conversational tone of voice.

Conversational search phrases often come in the form of a question.

People typing are much more aware, subconsciously, that they’re sifting through data. If they want to find a good burger restaurant, they might search “cheap burger restaurant” — cold, calculated, efficient.

However, when they’re talking Siri or Alexa, and using a more conversational tone, they’ll subconsciously want to sound more like they’re having a conversation. Looking for a burger restaurant, they might say “where can I find the best cheap burger?”

Harder Work

Unfortunately, adding casual phrases and long-tail keywords is harder work for you. It’s much harder to work in keywords that practically sentence into your blog content. However, this is something you’re going to have to do if you want to capitalize on the world of voice search SEO.

Understand Voice Search Optimization

If you want to succeed in SEO in 2021, you’re going to have to move beyond typical search engine usage and move into the world of voice search.

The best ways to make use of voice search optimization strategies are to work a little harder and try to work longer/more casual keywords into your posts.

For more information, contact us today.

A Brief Guide to Voice Search in Digital Marketing

“Okay Google, what is voice search optimization?”

The internet is a changing place and voice search in digital marketing is one of the biggest areas of growth at the moment. Talking to a computer may have seemed like science fiction a decade or more ago. Today, it is commonplace.

55% of users currently utilize voice search to ask questions of an AI using a smartphone, smartwatch, or smart speaker. This number is growing rapidly every day. It is therefore important that you harness voice search as a part of your SEO strategy.

The question is how do you implement voice search as a part of your digital marketing strategy?

In this article, we’ll look at how you can optimize for voice search.

What is Voice Search in Digital Marketing?

Putting it simply, voice search allows people to search for information just by speaking into their device. Typically, voice search can be found on smartphones and other similar devices.

As more-and-more people adopt this type of technology, more Google voice searches will be made.

How Does Voice Search Differ From Traditional Search?

The most noticeable difference between voice search and traditional search is that you speak your search query instead of typing it.

Voice search makes use of longtail keywords that are more conversational in nature. This is because when we’re using a device with voice search we’ll ask the question in full.

For example, you’ll be more likely to say “Okay Google, where is the nearest hardware store?” rather than “hardware store near me” which is how you might phrase it when typing.

Although you can ask any question using voice search, it is generally used mostly for finding services that are local to them.

Voice search gets to the point quickly. Because users want to hear the answer back immediately, voice search uses featured snippets to provide results.

Instead of reading several results back, you’ll just hear your device let you know the answer to your question. If there is a more in-depth answer, your device will ask if you’d like to visit the site.

Creating the Best Digital Marketing Strategy for Voice Search

The great news is that by working on making your site accessible to voice search, you won’t harm your current SEO strategy or traditional search.

There are several things you can do. These include:

Optimize Your Content for Featured Snippets

By optimizing your content for featured snippets and rich answers, you’ll be opening yourself up to feature in voice search results. You should also include knowledge panels and knowledge boxes.

These will help prepare your content for voice search.

Use Google My Business and Employ a Local SEO Strategy

To appear in ‘near me’ searches, you should set up your Google My Business profile. The bare minimum you should include is your name, address, and phone number. However, the more full your profile is, the better your chances will be of ranking higher.

Write in a Conversational Manner

Optimizing your content for voice search involves writing in a conversational tone, using natural language.

It’s essential to understand who is reading your content before deciding on the voice you’ll write in. Ask yourself what question keywords will they use?

How to Use Voice Search in Your SEO Strategy

By utilizing voice search in digital marketing, you’ll be able to appear in more searches. With the technological changes that are occurring, you’ll need to optimize for voice search to stand out.

For help optimizing for voice search in your SEO strategy, get in touch today.