The Importance of Nurturing a New Relationship in Business in 2021

Networking and nurturing a new relationship in business can be time-consuming, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

Now more than ever, businesses must rely on each other to succeed and grow. Building trustworthy, dependable, and supportive relationships are beneficial to you and your company.

From event planning to provide services, you can do so many things to help build those B2B relationships. If you want to see your business bloom in 2021, this is why you should be taking your business relationships to the next level.

Building Trust

You’re the one who protects your company, brand, and customers from people and partners who don’t have your best interests at heart. You can do this by building trustworthy and reliable relationships.

The best part is, with a trustworthy business relationship, you’re not just adding that one person to your network. You also add all of those people that they can count on too.

Cultivating Support

Once you’ve developed and nurtured business relationships you trust, you get to support one another. Whether this is through business or advice, having a trustworthy support system helps any business, especially in trying times like these.

Demonstrates Diligence

Who is the business relationship manager in your company? To keep up with your essential business relationships, you have to nurture them. However, this can be tough if you don’t take the time or effort. That’s where the business relationship manager comes in.

Employing someone focused on building relationships with other businesses can help your company succeed. They may even help grow sustainable relationships that open new doors.

Makes Event Planning Easier

Company event planning and networking get-togethers are the perfect places to meet new people and expand upon your already successful network of reliable relationships.

You can meet new people, conduct business with potential clients, and open your business to new opportunities. There are endless types of business relationships to develop.

Your Business Thrives

Building relationships in business isn’t only beneficial on the back end but also in terms of meeting goals and sales. When you build great relationships with clients, they want to keep using your service or buying your product. The same goes for business relationships.

When you nurture a healthy business relationship, your business grows too. They may find you as a necessary supplier to help with a project, or you may develop a collaboration or even partner on certain projects!

The opportunities are endless when you’re open to creating lasting relationships between businesses.

Put Time Into Nurturing a New Relationship for Your Business

Put time and effort into nurturing a new relationship, and you’ll see how your business thrives! With support and trust, you and your new network can open opportunities for one another you may have never received otherwise.

Start 2021 off right and work on preserving old business relationships and growing new ones. You never know when you might rely on their support for your own success.

For more Big Bold Thinking, subscribe to our blog or contact us so we can help you with your event planning or activations! We want to see your business and relationships succeed!

Which Banner Sizes do You Need in 2021?

It’s 2021 and your business needs to be bigger and better than ever to compete. That applies to your banner sizes, too. We’re not talking about physical banners.

Website banners come in all shapes and sizes. Some will grab your customers’ attention much better than others. Find the perfect banner dimensions and size for your company by reading this article.

Various Banner Sizes

Website banners are new physical banners. They can attract and keep a customer’s attention or repel them.

A good choice for many websites is the leaderboard banner. It’s one of the best website headers. The ad formats use images and text alike.

Mobile ads don’t work here. Advertisers adore the leaderboard because it goes well immediately after or before the website header. Since there are more ads in this size, leaderboard ads tend to be better.

Compare these to the large rectangle ads. As you’d expect, these are bigger and more noticeable. They may be too big to fit in the sidebar on some websites.

Putting it in a sidebar where it doesn’t fit could distort the content and thereby harm the user experience. Place a large rectangle ad vertically between paragraphs or other content. Don’t try to fit it into a sidebar.

Now it’s time to go mobile. Large mobile banners work well when shown at the top of a page, beneath the site header. Reduce its impact on user experience by putting it further down the page, throughout the content.

You’ll get a better ad inventory with this format as advertisers make more mobile ads to keep up with the website traffic from mobile devices.

A Banner Year

The banners don’t stop there.

Allow me to introduce you to the Billboard banner. They’re best shown at the top or bottom of a webpage. The Billboard’s placement and size options lend itself to higher-quality ads.

Sometimes, a smaller banner is the answer. The square banner is diminutive but likelier to fit into your website’s design than larger ads. That said, larger ads are generally more noticeable.

You can fit the square almost anywhere. There’s a reduced ad inventory though.

Next, we have a classy portrait ad. It’s considerably longer than other vertical ads. Advertisers use it for retargeting messages and brand-centered advertising.

Put it in your site’s sidebar, although its length can affect the user experience. It’s an effective ad size but you should pay attention to the general ad experience.

The Digital Advertising Experience

Our world has charted an irreversible course toward even more personalized forms of cyber-advertising. We may see holograms and more closely targeted advertising in the near future.

While traditional, physical marketing still has some value, online banners have become essential for any remotely competitive business. You must choose the right banner sizes.

You can’t do that all by yourself. Gain an edge in banner marketing by contacting Big Bold Thinkers today.

5 Steps to Building a Results-Focused Digital Marketing Campaign

How can your business build a digital marketing campaign that focuses on results?

Wasting your budget on a scattergun approach may bring some extra traffic. But if those visitors don’t want what you’re selling they’ll soon leave.

This article gives 5 simple steps to consider when creating your digital marketing strategy.

We ask what is digital marketing? How do you select your target market? What marketing channels should you choose and how do you manage them?

Read on to see how the right digital marketing campaign can grow your audience and boost your business.

What Is a Digital Marketing Campaign?

Digital marketing is a catch-all term used to describe how businesses use technology to promote themselves.

campaign is a marketing effort that drives engagement, traffic, and conversions. It has clear objectives and should have a start and endpoint within a set budget.

The key to creating a good return on investment (ROI) is planning before execution.

Unfortunately, many companies don’t do the necessary research. With that in mind, here are 5 things to consider when asking how to build a digital marketing campaign.

1. Define KPIs and Target Market

Key Performance Indicators or KPIs measure how core business objectives are being met.

For digital marketing campaigns, KPIs could include:

  • Cost per lead acquisition
  • Conversions per site visits
  • Traffic count from organic search

The target market is the group of customers that the campaign aims to reach.

Demographics like age, marital status, gender, etc. narrow the target audience. Matching them with your products or services is a vital step in producing the best ROI.

Target the wrong customer base and the campaign is dead before it begins.

2. Set a Realistic Budget

Estimate your marketing budget before your campaign goes live puts a ceiling cap on spending. So how do you do this?

In our advertising costs blog article we examine average advertising costs for Google and Facebook.

The advice boils down to researching your competition and platform rates. From there you can calculate an average daily spend and multiply that to a monthly or yearly figure.

3. Choose Matching Marketing Channels

Should you choose Google Ads, SEO, social media advertising, or emails as your marketing channel?

The answer lies in your brand type and what you want to achieve.

For example, if you want to reach a younger demographic through social media choose Instagram. Facebook now attracts an older audience with 60% of baby boomers having accounts.

Targeting the right channel will boost your campaign.

4. Research Keywords

All SEO digital marketing campaigns should build on the search phrases or keywords their visitors use to find them.

Discovering the highest keyword volume will determine how ads are formed. Basing a campaign on phrases that are seldom used will result in failure.

Use services like Google’s Keyword Tool to see what your audience searches for. Then shape your marketing on those results.

5. Setup and Manage Marketing Platforms

You have your campaign mapped out but how do you implement it?

Setting up a Google Ads account or email list requires a lot of effort. You also need to learn marketing concepts for each platform. Facebook works differently than YouTube, for example.

Once your campaign is live you must manage it correctly.

That involves analyzing data like traffic and conversions. And tweaking daily budgets and keywords based on changes in competition.

The results are worth it but many businesses don’t have the time or skill to manage their campaigns effectively.

Your Digital Marketing Strategy Needs to Think Big and Bold

Building a results-focused digital marketing campaign takes careful planning.

You need to set the right key performance indicators and choose the correct market. Matching marketing channels and keyword research takes time and expertise. And setting-up and managing each platform is not to be taken lightly.

Big Bold Thinkers offers digital marketing services with targeted results at the core.

Our expert digital team can help create and manage your digital marketing ideas. With a solid foundation in SEO and social media, we can bring traffic to your digital doorstep. Then help convert those visitors into paying customers.

Contact us today to see how a big bold strategy can assist your business.

Essential Advertising Costs To Know Before You Start Marketing Your Business

You may have a small business with a limited budget or a larger business that has earmarked a little more for your online advertising strategy. This quick guide provides insight into the average advertising cost on Google and Facebook, the two major avenues to reach your clients online.

Average Advertising Costs on Google Ads

As you are probably aware, Google is the most used search engine in the world. Therefore, it makes sense that Google Ads is the largest digital ad platform. Let’s take a look at what it costs to get your business in front of Google users.

Most industries have low costs when it comes to pay per click display ads. However, there are exceptions. For example, employment services pay an average of $1.66 per click. Compare that to real estate professionals who pay $0.88 per click.

Google Ads charges between $1.00 and $2.00 for each click. For small businesses, Google Ads cost about $9,000 per month (or $90,000) on the low end of the spectrum.

However, there’s no requirement to start that big. You can create a successful ad campaign on a low budget, but it helps if you know what you’re doing. Some SMBs turn to experienced digital marketers such as Big Bold Thinkers to maximize the impact of each marketing dollar.

Advertising on Google Display Network costs less than ads for Google’s search engine. Advertisers pay an average of $0.58 per click on GDN. However, costs vary by industry, so research what Google charges in your sector to determine if this is a good alternative for your business.

Average Advertising Costs on Facebook

People love Facebook, the most widely used social network. So, it’s also a great place to advertise your business. With the right strategy, Facebook advertising is an affordable way to reach your target audience. In fact, small businesses often focus on Facebook ads in their online advertising strategy.

You can expect to pay an average advertising cost of $1.72 per click to drive traffic to your website. Alternatively, businesses pay an average of $7.19 per 1,000 impressions or CPM. These costs vary by industry, location and other factors. As a rule of thumb, plan to spend about $0.75 per click or impression.

Facebook ads help your organization increase brand recognition, website conversions, and application downloads. However, it only works if future fans actually see your ads. Big Bold Thinkers can help you estimate the costs in your target areas so you can spend your ad budget effectively.

Facebook advertising also gives you access to Instagram and Messenger. Facebooks’ CPC is still relatively low across most industries. The most expensive industries include finance, home improvement and customer services.

Help for Your Online Advertising Strategy

If you need help with your online advertising strategy, Big Bold Thinkers can help. Our digital marketing services include budget, planning and executing an online campaign for your brand. Contact us today for more information and to discuss how we can propel your company forward with the power of effective online advertising that fits your budget.