3 Tips on Calculating ROI of SEO Campaigns for Businesses

If you’ve heard of any hot topic in the digital marketing world recently, it’s search engine optimization (SEO). It’s a growing trend, but 57% of businesses still don’t use it in their marketing strategies!

Well, if you remain skeptical, there are ways to test how well it works, and you can do it all yourself. Let’s discuss some tips on measuring your campaign ROI for SEO campaigns!

Why Calculating ROI Matters

It’s important to track your ROI for any marketing effort, but SEO is a long-term marketing strategy. If you aren’t tracking your ROI, it’s easy for spending to get out of hand as you try to build up your strategy. Also, you will want to know when the strategy is paying off and offering a profit, as it may be time to develop a new strategy.

ROI is arguably the most important metric of your SEO campaign. Not only will it tell you how your SEO efforts impact your bottom line, but it will also tell you when you need to spend more, spend less, or make adjustments to your campaign.

1. Account For All Expenses

Tools, in-house personnel, professional SEO services (who may provide the ROI for you), and all other SEO campaign elements need to be accounted for. This includes wages, packages, and more. If you paid for keyword research tools, analytics tools, or any other SEO-related platform, account for this.

Of course, your CMS tool won’t count unless you purchased a plan specifically for creating an SEO campaign. Only account for expenses that you wouldn’t have made without your SEO strategy.

2. Track Conversions

Using Google Analytics or your other favorite analytics tools, you can easily track who comes into your website, how they get there, and how they behave. Conversion tracking is a great way to track your progress on your SEO campaign, so use these tools as soon as possible.

As these conversions come, add up the grand total for revenue and subtract your expenses for your first rough estimate. However, that’s not all.

3. Account for Passive Revenue

Even if your SEO doesn’t directly drive conversions, it may still help increase your revenue. Building brand awareness, signing up for newsletters, or finding your social media accounts are common ways that SEO can passively boost your revenue over time. Also, optimizing your website for search engines will help improve conversion rates on other platforms!

While this is difficult to account for, you can start by looking at your social media marketing, email, and other metrics before and after your SEO strategy. Try to determine how much you can attribute to your SEO efforts. This won’t be perfect, but it can help you understand your total revenue increases.

Campaign ROI

Now that you know how to track your SEO campaign ROI, use these tips to perfect your strategy over time. It could make this process a lot more cost-effective and lucrative!

Stay up to date with our latest digital marketing tips, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or for help with your strategy!

How to Boost Clicks Across the Entire Organic Rankings

When you come across most search engine optimization articles, you always see the same thing. Each one will tell you the best way to rank high on Google. Yet, ranking high doesn’t necessarily guarantee your success.

Yes, improving your search engine rankings will certainly generate more leads. However, this isn’t the end of the race. You must also maximize your click-through rate.

You see, the ranking high won’t matter if consumers aren’t clicking through to your website. We’re here to help you navigate past this issue. Keep reading for our top tips on how to boost your organic CTR.

Identify Your Target Market

No matter what business you’re in, knowing your target market is essential. Your target market consists of the consumers who are most likely to buy your products or services. This is based on a variable of demographics, such as:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Location
  • Income
  • Hobbies
  • Lifestyle
  • Life circumstances
  • Psychographics
  • And more

The more in-tune you are with your target market, the easier it will be for you to market directly to them. This will affect everything from the types of products you sell to how you advertise them. It will also dictate what types of articles you publish and what keywords you use to rank on Google and maximize your click-through rate.

Research Keywords for Your Niche and Industry

Speaking of keywords, let’s talk about the importance of knowing which keywords to use and which ones not to use. To improve clicks, you must implement keywords that will attract the right types of consumers.

We recommend using long-tail keywords and localized keywords (if you own a local business). Long-tail keywords are more specific, which will help you target a more qualified audience. For example, it’s the difference between using “women’s clothing” and “bohemian clothes for women.”

As a local business, it’s also important to use local SEO practices to target people in your community who will actually use your products or services. For example, if you run a local auto shop in Vermont, it wouldn’t be helpful to get a bunch of website traffic from people living in Alaska.

We recommend using a digital marketing service to learn how to identify the best keywords for your niche and industry. They can also help you create engaging content to improve your search engine optimization and click-through rate.

Register Your Website with Google My Business

Registering your site with Google My Business is one of the easiest ways to improve your organic rankings and your CTR. First of all, it’s free to register on GMB. Secondly, it comes with a lot of perks.

Consumers will be able to see important details about your company at a glance. This includes your business hours, location, and contact information.

GMB will also improve your organic rankings, especially for local search engine optimization. Furthermore, your business will appear on Google Maps, which will make it easy for people to find you.

GMB allows customers to leave you reviews, which is essential for building your reputation and credibility in the industry. Finally, GMB provides you with a ton of analytics that will help you learn more about your SEO rankings, click-through rates, bounce rates, and more.

Create Valuable Content

Content is one of the most important things you can offer to your target audience. In many cases, it is the staple of business websites. It is within the articles where you will find the majority of keywords and SEO metadata.

However, you can’t just publish keyword-stuffed articles with no value or substance. This is called black hat SEO and it’s terrible for search engine rankings. Essentially, Google can tell the difference between genuine posts and those done just to pack in as many keywords as possible.

On the contrary, valuable content is designed specifically for your target audience. It exists to:

  • Inform
  • Answer questions
  • Provide instructions
  • Offer solutions to problems
  • Improve your credibility
  • Build relationships with consumers

By creating content that your target audience wants or needs, you can ensure that your click-through rates will soar. Of course, this is under the assumption that you’ve used effective SEO practices.

Include Images in Your Posts

You might not know it, but adding images to your posts is one of the best SEO practices for increasing engagement. Images can be embedded with SEO metadata, which will automatically improve your organic rankings.

However, images are also more engaging, which will lead to a higher click-through rate. This is especially true if users are using the Google Image search function, rather than the “All” search function.

Write Effective Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions

Meta titles and meta descriptions are two of the most important components of your search engine optimization strategy. They both will increase your organic rankings if you use the proper keywords.

Just as importantly, you can use them to boost clicks. Use meta titles to accurately define what the link contains. Use meta descriptions to give a more detailed description of what users will find on the page, as well as a compelling reason for them to click through.

Get Backlinks From Other Websites to Improve Your SEO Credibility

Ranking high on Google comes with benefits. For example, a top-ranking result is bound to get more clicks simply because users trust that site more than one that’s several pages down.

To increase your search engine optimization, invest in a link-building strategy. More specifically, make sure you acquire backlinks from other websites.

Backlinks are hyperlinks on other websites that lead to your pages. They can lead to your blog articles, product pages, contact pages, etc.

Backlinks show Google that your website is legitimate. If your site has something of value that other sites are linking to, you’re obviously credible. You can get backlinks by affiliating with other businesses, guest-posting, and working with digital marketing groups.

Want to Improve Your Click Through Rate with Organic Search Engine Optimization?

The world of search engine optimization is complex and ever-expansive. If you want to improve clicks and rank high on Google, you must dedicate yourself to the performance and quality of your website. This will result in more leads and higher sales numbers.

If you need more help, that’s okay. Subscribe to our blog to stay up-to-date on digital marketing trends.

Or, contact us today to learn more about our services. We would love to help you increase your brand awareness and grow your company.

Google Analytics 4: Get to Know the New Standard for Data Analysis

Understanding the past is the only way you can shape the future. This is true even in technology where knowing and using your past data informs your future decisions. Such is the case with Google Analytics 4, the new version of Google Analytics that was released in October 2020.

There are things you’ll need to know about the new version in order to get the most out of it. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of this Next-Gen Analytics and how it’s different from its previous versions.

Keep reading to learn more about the new standard for data analysis.

What Is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool provided by Google that monitors and reports website traffic. It’s the most popular web analytics service on the internet.

Google Analytics 4 is the latest version of Google Analytics. It is a complete rewrite of the previous versions and does away with your old universal analytics property.

What’s New in Google Analytics 4

The main difference between Google Analytics 4 and the previous versions is that GA4 is an event-based data model while the older versions were property and hit-centric.

This means that in GA4, data is collected as events. This gives you a more complete picture of your data and how users interact with your website.

Another difference is that GA4 uses a machine learning model to generate insights and predictions. This is in contrast to the older versions which used rules-based models.

The machine learning model is more accurate and allows for more customization. You can also use it to create custom reports and dashboards.

Lastly, GA4 includes a new suite of measurement tools that weren’t available in the previous versions. This includes things like conversion tracking, funnel analysis, and cross-device tracking.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking allows you to see how users interact with your website and convert into customers. You can track conversions at the page level, product level, and even at the keyword level.

This makes it easier to see which pages are converting well and which ones need improvement. You can also see which products are selling well and which ones need more exposure.

Funnel Analysis

Funnel analysis allows you to see how users interact with your website and where they drop off. This can be helpful for identifying areas of your website that need improvement.

Therefore you would want to start by looking at the pages with the highest drop-off rate. From there, you can try to improve the design or content on those pages to increase conversion rates.

Cross-Device Tracking

Cross-device tracking allows you to see how users interact with your website across different devices. This includes things like desktop, mobile, and tablet.

If one device has a high drop-off rate, you can try to improve the user experience on that device. For example, if mobile has a high drop-off rate, you can try to improve the mobile design or make it easier to navigate.

What Type of Data Does GA4 Collect?

GA4 collects the same type of data as the older versions. This includes things like page views, unique visitors, session duration, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

However, GA4 also collects a few new types of data. One is user-engagement data which tells you how users interact with your website. Another is event-level data which gives you more information about specific events that happen on your website.

Lastly, GA4 collects property-level data. This is data that’s specific to your website or app. It includes things like page load time and site speed.

What Are Some Events in Google Analytics 4?

Events in GA4 mean anything that happens on your website or app. This can be anything from a pageview to a click on a button. There are three main types of events in GA4:

Engagement Events

These are events that tell you how users interact with your website. They include things like page views, unique visitors, and session duration.

Conversion Events

These are events that tell you how users convert on your website. They include things like a purchase made, signup completed, and lead generated.

Custom Events

These are events that you create yourself. They can be anything you want. For example, you could create a custom event for when a user views a product page or add to cart.

Why Upgrade to Google Analytics 4?

There are several reasons why you should upgrade to Google Analytics 4 ASAP.

The main one is there will be no overlap in data collection. You will not be able to import data from the older versions into GA4. This means that to start collecting an archive of data, you will want to upgrade right away so you have a bank of info before the old version becomes obsolete in 2023.

Secondly, you will want to run both versions side by side during the transition period. This will allow you to compare data and see which version is more accurate.

You may find that some features are not yet available in GA4. This is normal and to be expected with a new release. Google is constantly working on adding new features and improving the existing ones.

Overall, Google Analytics 4 is a more accurate and complete picture of your website data. It’s the new standard for data analysis and should be used by all website owners.

How to Upgrade to Google Analytics 4

If you’re using an older version of Google Analytics, you can upgrade to GA4 in two ways.

The first way is to create a new property in your Google Analytics account. This will allow you to run both versions side by side and compare data.

The second way is to start from scratch with GA4. To do this, you will need to create a new Google Analytics account and add your website to it.

Once you’ve done this, you can start using all the new features GA4 has to offer.

Need Help Converting To and Understanding GA4?

Google Analytics 4 is an invaluable tool for all website owners. If you’re not using it to the fullest of its potential, you’re missing out.

Connect with us at Big Bold Thinkers for help with all things Google Analytics 4. We can help you convert to GA4, understand the new features, and make the most of this powerful tool. Send us an email today and let’s get your project started!

7 Advantages of Using Local SEO for Your Business Website

Studies show that about 46% of all searches on Google are looking for local information. Many of the consumers doing these local searches will visit a local store within the next day.

Local SEO is an essential part of marketing when you have a brick-and-mortar shop for your business. It allows you to connect more with your target audience and increase the visibility of your business.

Do you want to learn more about the advantages of using local SEO strategies? Keep reading this guide for the top seven benefits of using local search engine optimization.

1. Better Online Visibility

One of the primary reasons you need local SEO as one of your digital marketing strategies is that it will give your business better online visibility. In today’s world, people want to get relevant information as quickly as possible.

Because of this, most people searching on Google will never look past the top five or 10 results for their search. If your business doesn’t rank in these positions, you will likely not get much traffic.

Many people looking for your exact products or services may not know you exist if you don’t rank within the first few positions on Google.

When you use local techniques for your SEO strategy, it helps you rank organically in the top results. This means your business will be more visible and more likely to be seen by your target audience.

2. Relevant Website Traffic

Using a local SEO marketing strategy will also provide you with much more relevant traffic to your website. While you may think all website traffic is beneficial for your SEO, this is not always the case.

For example, you may get a lot of people to visit your website, but if they are not interested in what you are selling, they will leave your website immediately. This increases your bounce rate, which can negatively impact your rankings.

However, local SEO allows you to target local customers looking for your services. When they visit your website, they will be more likely to visit your storefront and make a purchase! Having this relevant traffic will be much more beneficial!

3. Loyal Local Customers

When you prioritize local SEO, you will also create a loyal base of local customers. Local SEO makes it easier for your customers to find your business and easier to stop by and visit your location.

If you provide them with a great experience, they will continue to use your services as a loyal customer.

This can also help you build a community. Your business can connect with other locals that understand the importance of supporting the local economy. These may lead to more referrals and better business relationships.

4. Save on Ad Spending

When you are trying to rank for popular keywords, you will often spend a lot of money just to get a few clicks on your website. However, local SEO makes it easier to get organic traffic.

Not only is organic traffic much more valuable than traffic from ads, but it will also help you save on ad spending. Rather than paying for keywords to improve your visibility, you can organically build your rankings and gain more value than you would from a paid ad.

5. Better Conversion Rates

Local SEO can also help you improve your conversion rates and increase your sales. When you have more relevant traffic to your website, you reach people that are actually interested in what you have to offer.

This will result in more people making a conversion on your website or coming to your store prepared to make a purchase. If you need help growing your business and increasing your conversions and sales, local SEO is a necessary marketing strategy to try.

Plus the more traffic you have to your website, the more sales you are likely to have.

6. Gain More Reviews

Having reviews for your business is a necessary aspect of marketing. It provides customers with more information about your online reputation and can encourage people to choose your business over a competitor’s.

In fact, 91% of consumers from the ages of 18 to 34 trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Local SEO can help you gain more local reviews. This is because local SEO helps you attract more local customers. When you provide them with a great experience, you can give them an opportunity to provide feedback.

The more local reviews you have, the higher you will rank on Google as well.

7. Stand Out From Competitors

Finally, local SEO helps you stand out from your competitors. When you have many similar stores in the area that all sell the same thing, each store needs to compete for the same customers.

Most people looking for your products or services will choose the company that has a higher ranking on Google, as it allows the potential customer to learn more about the products and services available before visiting the actual store.

While local SEO may not provide you with increased foot traffic to your business, it will greatly increase the online traffic to your site and can help you attract more business.

Find the Best Local SEO Service Provider Today

Local SEO is a necessary strategy for businesses with a physical storefront. It can help you grow your business, connect with your customers, and more!

If you are looking for the best ways to boost local SEO for your business, Big Bold Thinkers can help! We provide digital marketing services and that can help your business stay at the forefront of digital innovation.

Subscribe to our blog today for more information on the importance of SEO services for business or contact our team to learn more about our SEO options.

Boost Your SEO Performance by Avoiding These 7 Mistakes

Nearly 70% of all activity online begins with a search engine. The majority of search engine users (75%) don’t bother checking the first page of results, though. Without search engine optimization (SEO), consumers might not find your website online.

Even with an SEO strategy, the wrong mistakes could cost you top-of-page rankings.

Want to boost your SEO performance to reach more customers this year? Read on to make sure you’re avoiding these seven costly mistakes first!

1. Never Gathering Research

One of the biggest SEO mistakes you can make is attempting SEO marketing without research and a strategy first.

Without research, you’ll make assumptions about who your customers are, what they care about, and their search intent. Their search intent indicates what they expect to find during a search. If your content doesn’t match their intent, Google won’t display it on search engine result pages (SERPs).

Gathering audience and keyword research will help you create content that aligns with the user’s search intent. Then, you can make sure your website appears in front of relevant consumers.

Start by segmenting your target audience into smaller, distinct buyer personas. You can define these personas based on demo- and psychographic research. For example, you might consider the consumers:

  • Location
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Marital status
  • Household income
  • Buying behaviors
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Pain points

Focus on the pain points your customers are experiencing. How can you leverage your expertise to offer them a solution?

Think of each buyer persona as a real person. What questions do they ask while online? Keyword research can help you appear for those searches.

You can gather keyword research using Answer the Public, Google Trends, or by working with an SEO agency.

Focus on longer keywords that include four or more words. These longtail keywords are precise, allowing you to better determine the search intent.

As you begin applying these SEO tips, imagine each persona as a real person. Create your SEO content with specific consumers in mind. Personalization will help you forge stronger connections with your target audience.

2. Neglecting Your Website

Another major SEO mistake you can make is ignoring your website. Google prioritizes sites that are:

  • Mobile-friendly
  • Secure
  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Fast

Run your site through Google’s PageSpeed Insights and Mobile-Friendly Test to check its performance.

Try to improve the user experience (UX) on your site, too. A positive UX can improve your dwell times. Higher dwell times can boost your SEO performance and organic rankings.

If you’re neglecting technical SEO, visitors will leave without exploring. Your bounce rate will start to increase, negatively impacting your rankings.

3. Forgetting to Create Fresh Content

Google also prioritizes fresh, unique, helpful content that aligns with the user’s search intent.

Take the time to develop a content marketing strategy that aligns with your SEO marketing strategy.

First, take a look at your keyword research. Let your focus keywords determine what topics you’ll cover.

Don’t write content and place the keyword within the post after the fact. Otherwise, the keyword might sound awkward within the content.

Try to mix up your content marketing strategy this year, too. Create more interactive content, like polls and quizzes. Try eye-catching graphics like infographics or engaging videos.

Diversifying your content will ensure your posts appeal to different consumers.

About 70% of marketers say content helps educate their audience. Focus on demonstrating EAT (expertise, authority, trustworthiness) overselling within your posts. Otherwise, heavy sales language could scare readers away.

Instead, provide readers with helpful solutions to their problems.

Then, add a call to action at the end of your post. Direct readers to contact you for help or information. You can also direct them to other blogs or the product page on your website.

When creating your content, don’t neglect internal and external links, too.

Make sure to focus on quality over quantity to create the best SEO content possible.

4. Never Generating Backlinks

Backlinks are one of Google’s top-ranking factors. These links direct readers on other websites to your content. The more backlinks you generate, the more traffic you can gain.

Start generating backlinks by looking for guest blogging opportunities on websites that have high domain authority (DA).

Otherwise, consider working with the best SEO marketing agency. They can help you generate quality backlinks for stronger rankings.

5. Mismanaging Your Listing

If you want to boost your SEO performance, you need to consider all types of SEO. For example, local SEO can help you reach nearby customers.

Make sure to claim and optimize your Google Business listing. Confirm that the information on your profile matches what appears on your website. Match every abbreviation, too.

Google will review your website to verify the information is accurate.

Ask you’re happy customers to post their reviews on your listing as well. Positive reviews can boost your brand’s credibility and SEO performance.

Otherwise, update your listing with fresh videos, images, and posts.

6. Writing Weak Titles and Descriptions

Your SEO title tag and meta description will appear on SERPs as consumers search for your content. Strong titles and descriptions can boost your clickthrough rate. A higher clickthrough rate can improve your SEO performance and rankings.

It will also help you attract more traffic to your site.

Make sure your titles and descriptions are easy to read and understand. Don’t forget to add your focus keyword to both, too.

7. Never Hiring a Pro

One of the biggest SEO mistakes you can make is neglecting to work with an experienced professional. You can leverage an SEO agency’s experience and expertise to boost your rankings. Meanwhile, you can focus on what matters most: your customers.

With help from an agency, you’ll never fall behind the latest SEO trends like voice search optimization.

Instead, you can continue improving your SEO marketing strategy to expand your reach online.

Boost Your SEO Performance: Hire an Agency to Avoid These Costly Mistakes

Don’t miss the chance to boost your SEO performance this year. Instead, make sure you’re avoiding these costly SEO mistakes. Otherwise, consider working with an experienced SEO marketing agency.

With help, you can improve your rankings in no time.

Want to work with the best SEO agency available? We’re here to help.

Get in touch with our team today to get started.

Video Testimonials: Why Include Them on Your Landing Page?

Including video testimonials on your landing page could transform your conversions.

Video testimonials are more effective than text-based testimonials because they allow potential customers to see and hear real people talking about how your product or service has helped them.

In this guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of using video testimonials on your landing page and explore some tips for creating effective ones.

What are Video Testimonials? Why Are They Important?

Video testimonials are short videos of real people talking about their experiences with your product or service. They’re a great way to show potential customers that your product or service is effective and trustworthy, plus make your landing page more dynamic.

Video testimonials can be more effective than text-based testimonials for many reasons, and they’re the perfect tool to humanize your brand to boost its relatability. Done right, a landing page testimonial can become a centerpiece of your landing page, commanding the attention of every visitor.

Why Use Video Testimonials on Your Landing Page?

There are several benefits of using video testimonials on your landing page.

For one, landing page testimonials can build trust and credibility with potential customers. When potential customers can see and hear real people talking about how your product or service has helped them, it feels more real.

Secondly, they can also humanize your brand and make it more relatable. Our human brains react strongly to the faces and expressions of others. Instead of a faceless brand, your customers see a face they can relate to.

Videos can also make a stronger impression on customers. We’re visual creatures, so what we see in visual media tends to last longer in our minds than in other media.

What Does an Effective Video Testimonial Look Like?

When creating video testimonials, it’s important to make sure that they’re high quality and engaging. Here are some tips for creating effective video testimonials:

  • Ensure a professional look by using good lighting, sound quality, and camera angles.
  • Keep your videos short and sweet. Most people won’t watch a long video testimonial.
  • Make sure your testimonials are engaging. Have your customers talk about their experiences in an interesting and compelling way.
  • Script your video in a way that retains your brand’s unique voice.

In general, you need to avoid the pitfall of a cheap-looking video testimonial, which could have the opposite effect. Remember that this is an investment in your growth, so be sure to treat it like one and take the time to get it right.

The Many Reasons to Use Video Testimonials On Your Landing Page

Video testimonials are a great way to show potential customers that your product or service is effective and trustworthy. Video testimonials can help increase conversions by building trust and credibility with potential customers when featured on your landing page, which in turn can drive growth in your business.

Looking for more ways to upgrade your company marketing? Contact us today to find out how we can help.

6 Unique Ways to Repurpose Content

There are about 1.88 billion websites on the internet. On this vast amount of sites, there’s a countless number of articles, videos, and other pieces of content. If a business wants to succeed, it has to pump out a constant stream of content.

But after a while, it gets hard to put out content that’s new, original, and unique. This is where a content repurposing strategy comes in. If you can repurpose content, the keys to the internet are yours.

But how exactly does it work?

This article will walk you through a few ways to repurpose content and how you should structure your content repurposing strategy.

1. Adapt Blog Posts

Blog posts are one of the easiest ways to bang out quick and effective content. They’re not necessarily easy to write, but if you hire a great blog writer, they’ll be able to pump out several high-quality articles a day.

Creating video content is one of the best ways to attract clicks in the 2020s. It will also help people stick around on your website and thereby generate better SEO. But how do you come up with great ideas for content?

We recommend adapting your blog posts.

If you have a blog post that your readers particularly enjoyed reading and your writers enjoyed writing, consider turning it into a video. Use the medium of video content to deliver a more visual-based approach to whatever topic you’re going for.

Use the blog post as a jumping-off point, but don’t feel too married to its structure. What works in words is different from what works on the screen. Hire a great director to take care of the video content — you need someone who understands this visual medium.

2. Expand in a Podcast

Podcasting is one of the most binge-able mediums out there. In fact, 144 million Americans listen to podcasts. If you have some wonderful recording equipment and two employees who are great at rattling off entertaining banter, consider creating a podcast to expand on the content you put out.

Podcasts are flexible. You can turn everything from infographics, articles, videos, emails, and even updates into a podcast. As long as the people talking are entertaining, you can stretch the podcast out to a pretty considerable length as well.

3. Create a “Reader”

A “reader” is a type of literary anthology that was popular in the early half of the 20th century. It was compiled as a sort of “best of” of a particular writer. You could read them to get an idea of what the writer was all about.

These often contained excerpts from larger works out of context. They proved that some of the best writers don’t need the advantage of completion to show how great they are. They can communicate their life-enriching messages, plots, and characters in the scope of a few chapters.

Why not create a similar anthology for your blog?

At the end of every week, month, or year (depending on how often you want to do it), consider creating a little weekly “reader” of the best articles and excerpts from articles from that period. This will satisfy your followers who just don’t have enough time to catch everything.

4. Update Old Posts

It’s no secret that blog posts are largely based on the news cycle and what’s popular. They might be written quickly before all of the relevant information has come out to gain clicks. This isn’t dishonest, it’s playing the game.

However, when more information comes out, it’s a blogger’s duty to keep track of the situation. Consider revisiting some old articles you wrote and updating them with more relevant information. You can republish them on your site as well.

While you’re at it, you might as well touch up the article. You might even have a new writer write a response to the original at the bottom to gain the advantage of perspective.

5. Export to Social Media

Not all of the work you do has to be on the same platform. Maybe you can rework your old content and transfer it to a social media platform.

It won’t do any good to copy and paste the text of an article into many tweets. However, you’d do well to take advantage of the specifics of your social media platform of choice.

If you have a lot of young followers, consider hiring a hip young person who knows how to spread information through TikTok (there are many informative TikToks out there). If your crowd is more Instagram-centric, consider creating an infographic.

6. Head to Quora

Quora is unique in the world of social media. Though it technically falls into the parameters of “social media,” it’s used differently than others. People flock to it specifically to get answers to questions, and most interactions are one-off — they aren’t followed up.

You can go over to Quora and answer people’s questions by essentially reposting your article. This works for several reasons. First of all, you’re helping someone out. Helping someone solve a problem is one of the best ways to provide value, which people will rush to repay.

Secondly, you’re making a stamp on Quora that future users can come back to and find any time.

Quora needs to become part of your digital marketing strategy. If you create a great content strategy this way, you set yourself up to make one of the best content strategies of the 2020s.

Use These Methods to Repurpose Content

It’s not easy to keep up with the constant flow of content in the 2020s. This is why it’s important to learn how to repurpose content.

Repurposing content doesn’t just help you rehash old ideas, it also gives your team more time to rest and prepare the next big thing. Developing strategies to reuse old content is crucial in moving forward.

If you need help getting started on your content repurposing strategy today, check out our digital marketing services and get in touch.

A 2021 Correlation Study into Links and Brand as Ranking Factors

Do you want to learn more about ranking factors to boost your website’s search engine results? This article will review a 2021 correlation study that reveals that brand and backlinks play a significant role in search engine ranking.

The search engine results page, also known as SERP, refers to where your website organically appears in correlation to a search engine plug-in. The higher you rank, the more impressions on your website and the more likely you will have website visitors and conversions.

Do you want to learn more about these correlation studies and learn what can boost your SERP ranking? Then keep reading.

2021 Search Ranking Factors

These SEO ranking factors were chosen from a correlation study that revealed what SEO tactics boosted a brand’s SERP. Below we list some proven correlation study conclusions that improve a site’s ranking on Google.


The more backlinks your site has, the higher it will rank. Backlinks are when another site links to yours. The more backlink variety you have (and at reputable websites-not spammy ones), the higher your site will rank.

.com Domains Rank Higher

.com domains have been shown to rank higher than similar sites using .co, .org, etc. If you are on the market for a new domain, try to end it with .com.

Page-Level Performance Matters

Page-level performance is an encompassing term. It refers to many factors like how fast your site loads. It also includes session duration, bounce rate, and other analytics about your website’s “popularity.”


Keywords still matter in 2021. Having a relevant SERP keyword in the first 100 words on your homepage correlates to a higher SERP ranking. Your keyword can also be in your domain, title tag, and throughout your website.


A correlation study example shows that sites with daily and weekly updates perform better than static sites. The more you update your website with relevant “freshness,” the higher the ranking factors.

2021 Local Search Ranking Factors

Local search factors differ slightly from general SEO ranking factors as they use local SEO. Local SEO limits users’ search to businesses in their geographical area. An example is when someone searches “pizza near me.”

GMB Category

GMB stands for “Google My Business.” Have a Google page for your business and choose the category that most associates with your business. For example, if you own a Middle Eastern restaurant, choose “Middle Eastern fine dining” and not just “restaurant.”

GMB Keywords

Include relevant keywords in your GMB profile. This triggers Google to rank it when those keywords are searched in proximity.


Make sure to have all your addresses listed. The searcher’s proximity and physical address will affect your ranking during a search.

Use Correlation Study Data to Boost Ranking Factors

Follow the guide above to boost your ranking factors into the new year. Make sure to keep optimizing your site.

Boosting ranking factors in 2021 requires a solid marketing strategy. It also requires an in-depth understanding of Google Analytics. Contact us today if you need help—our team is ready and waiting!

Voice Search Optimization – SEO Tips To Rank Better

SEO is one of the most important aspects of digital advertising (and therefore advertising) in the 21st century. Are you aware that less than one percent of people make it to the second page of search engine results?

However, SEO isn’t as simple as creating backlinks and figuring out what people are typing into their phones. Updates in voice searching technology mean that more people than ever are not typing, but speaking their searches.

This means voice search optimization is the next frontier for companies who care about digital marketing and SEO.

This article will act as your voice search optimization guide and walk you through some key principles of how people use voice technology, and teach you how to plan your very own voice search strategy.

Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are keywords of four or more words. When people make use of voice search, they’re mostly using long-tail keywords.

Believe it or not, we actually tend to use more words when we conduct a voice search. When we write our thoughts down, we have time to revise, use our internal editor, and take out/add a word before we hit “search”. We don’t have this time when using voice search.

This means that what comes out is less filtered, and often a bit longer. We recommend doing some research into which long-tail keywords are being used to find your company. They’re probably only going to become more and more popular.

Heck, long-tail keywords already account for about 70 percent of searches.

More Casual Phrases

Not only do people search longer phrases when they use voice search, but they also use more casual phrases. With friendly voices talking back to us like Siri and Alexa, it’s no wonder why people feel like their phones in a conversational tone of voice.

Conversational search phrases often come in the form of a question.

People typing are much more aware, subconsciously, that they’re sifting through data. If they want to find a good burger restaurant, they might search “cheap burger restaurant” — cold, calculated, efficient.

However, when they’re talking Siri or Alexa, and using a more conversational tone, they’ll subconsciously want to sound more like they’re having a conversation. Looking for a burger restaurant, they might say “where can I find the best cheap burger?”

Harder Work

Unfortunately, adding casual phrases and long-tail keywords is harder work for you. It’s much harder to work in keywords that practically sentence into your blog content. However, this is something you’re going to have to do if you want to capitalize on the world of voice search SEO.

Understand Voice Search Optimization

If you want to succeed in SEO in 2021, you’re going to have to move beyond typical search engine usage and move into the world of voice search.

The best ways to make use of voice search optimization strategies are to work a little harder and try to work longer/more casual keywords into your posts.

For more information, contact us today.

How to Create a Brand Voice That Boosts Your SEO Strategy

If you own a business, you already know how important it is to have a digital presence and a loyal base of followers on the internet. According to new information from the PEW Research Center, 85% of Americans are on the internet daily, with over 30% online constantly throughout the day.

The question is how, do you connect with them and convert them into customers? The answer is simple – through an effective SEO strategy and consistent brand voice development.

Keep reading this comprehensive guide to learn how to create a brand voice and use it to give your company an SEO advantage over the competition.

1. Decide Who Your Target Market Is

You may be wondering what is brand voice anyways? It has to do with the way you connect with your consumers, the way you communicate as a business.

With that being said, to develop a compelling brand voice strategy, it’s critical to know who your customer base consists of. If you haven’t done any research on your target market, now is the time. It would help if you researched to find things like their:

  • Age range
  • Interests/ hobbies
  • Average income
  • And preferences

Knowing your customer base can help give you clues about how you should develop your brand voice and what style to use.

2. Develop a Brand Personality

When thinking about your digital marketing strategy, it’s important to consider who you are as a business and what you represent, or what your values consist of. These traits and tendencies become your brand personality over time – it’s the way you are viewed in the customer’s eyes.

You should also consider what the consumer wants from you. Do they want you to be funny? Or do they want you to keep it professional? The more you know your customers and what they want from you, the easier it will be to develop your brand personality.

As your brand personality is developing, it will become an integral part of your brand voice strategy.

3. Stay Consistent

A significant component of building a brand voice and gaining an SEO advantage is staying consistent. Being consistent on all platforms, including social media, can help you find new consumers and engage with existing ones.

Social media is a critical component in any digital marketing strategy. According to recent information, nearly 80% of all individuals have at least one social media profile. The secret is to stay consistent with content and to engage with users regularly.

4. Evaluate and Adjust

Like with any SEO strategy, it is vital to evaluate and adjust your performance regularly. You should be evaluating things like where your website traffic is coming from, is it from:

  • Organic content
  • Social media
  • Videos

You can track the performance and see where you are most successful with gaining traffic. Then, adjust your content as needed. If people are less engaged on your socials, consider altering your brand voice strategy slightly and see if you notice any improvements.

Developing Your Brand Voice: Getting Started

The most important part of developing your brand voice and enhancing your SEO strategy is getting started. The longer you wait, the more time the competition has to pull ahead. Remember to stay consistent and let your unique brand connect with the consumers.

If you are ready to grow your digital presence and develop your brand voice, contact us today, and we can help you get started on your digital journey.